Monday, February 27, 2012

Day one of my logged workout

Day 1)
This is my first ever blog. I am trying to start exercising, and I will post my goals, my achievements, and how I have  gotten those achievements, along with some personal tips. I am still only 15 years old, so I am young, I am not sure what I am doing, but we will grow this blog together, and get fitter together. I am not fat, so some of these tips and routines may not work for all of you. I am 107 lbs and 5'1. I am simply trying to tone my body and look great for summer. This is going to all be at home workouts(or outside) but no gym equipment.
Food Consumed today:
Nature Trails Light and Chewy Strawberry bar
chocolate Chip granola bar
Lays potato chips(just a handful)
2 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts(Shame on me)
Mashed Potatoes
and Corn

I admit to having some junk food, but this is so much healthier than what I was eating lets say a week ago. I also did a 5 min work out that included. 60 jumping jacks, 10 squats, 5 jump squats, 50 mason twists, 20 crunches, 10 side lunges, and 15 second superman


According to myfitnesspal I have had a total of 1350 calories today, Although exceeding my goal, is much better than last week, which was on average over 1500 calories(and some days I didn't log everything I ate because it was too much.

Tomorrow  if you tune back in, I will try to blog again, My goal is to get in about 15 minutes of exercise, and to use soup cans to start lifting and working on my arms and wrists as well.

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